Who We Are
Writing With A Flair was founded in 2014 on the premise that by crafting keyword-rich résumés and career documents with the most relevant experiences and career achievements, we could showcase your qualifications, skills, and strengths to match vacancy criteria of a targeted industry or profession. We found by tailoring résumés with keywords matching vacancy details would help clients stand out in today's competitive job market and increase interview opportunities and reviews by recruiters or hiring managers.
Delivering exceptional service starts from within the company, coupled with having an engaging and industry certified and professional résumé writer who lives up to the writing standards established by the Professional Association of Résumé Writers and Career Coaches (PARW/CC), a nationally recognized group that requires testing and training before becoming a Certified Executive Résumé Writer (CERW) and Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW). These certifications are about mastering the art of writing résumés.
As company owner, Margo holds an Executive MBA from George Mason University and a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Oklahoma. She completed a comprehensive six-month senior executive leadership program at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. As a certified executive and professional résumé writer accredited by the PARW/CC, with 25+ years' experience and training in crafting résumés, she communicates executive-level to senior leader's personal brands, capabilities, and leadership talents that resonate with hiring managers and recruiters. She captures experiences and achievements for college students seeking a new career, entry- to mid-level professionals seeking a career change or promotion, to military members transitioning to public or private sectors.
As a Nationally Certified Online LinkedIn Profile Expert (NCOPE) accredited by the National Résumé Writers Association (NRWA), a nationally recognized group that requires training and testing to highlight conversational profiles, she has experience and training crafting value-based profiles in LinkedIn’s social media platform used by recruiters to find and vet talent, and employers listing jobs. She also received recognition from the NRWA for résumé writing best practices published on Ask the Experts blog.
At Writing With A Flair, we infuse résumés using industry best practices and results-focused approaches to comply with Applicant Tracking Systems, or ATS portals. Today, over 97% of Fortune 500 companies rely on ATS to hire employees by analyzing and scanning applications, résumés, and CVs to rank and filter best-suited applicants for vacancy criteria they're seeking to fill. Résumés are often rejected by ATS algorithms without hiring managers seeing it – even if your qualified for the job. We optimize résumés by highlighting relevant experiences and skills recruiters need to see to help you land job interviews. We provide Before/After scoring reports on how well résumés match vacancy criteria; then add missing skills or keywords so it can be found by hiring managers searching ATS portals.
We're committed to excellence and dedicated to helping you achieve your career journey. We look forward to capturing your professional achievements and talents in the best light possible. Read what clients are saying about our services, résumé content, and design.
Tailoring Your Résumé with Keywords to Match Targeted
Roles or Job Announcements
What We Specialize In
Tailoring Résumé Package
Early Career (0-5 Years) | Just Starting Out | Recent College Graduate
Package Includes:
1-Hour Telephone Interview
Tailored Résumé to One Targeted Position
Cover Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
Final Résumé in Word or PDF Versions
Final Résumé in ATS/Plain Text Version
Turnaround Time: 5-7 Days
Add-On Options:
Purchase With Package to Save:
Each Additional Targeted Position Service
- $325.00 (Save $25.00)
Biography (Professional)
- $300.00 (Save $50.00)
- Consulting/Company Biographies Available
LinkedIn Profile Updates
- $225.00 (Save $25.00)
Thank You Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Professional Reference Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Publications and Presentations Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Rush Service (Receive Final Résumé in 2 Days)
- $150.00
Tailoring Résumé Package
Early Career (0=5 Years) | Just Starting Out | Recent College Graduate
Package Includes: *BEST VALUE*
1-Hour Telephone Interview
Tailored Résumé to Two Targeted Positions
Cover Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
Final Résumé in Word or PDF Versions
Final Résumé in ATS/Plain Text Version
Turnaround Time: 5-7 Days
Add-On Options:
Purchase With Package to Save:
Each Additional Targeted Position Service
- $325.00 (Save $25.00)
Biography (Professional)
- $300.00 (Save $50.00)
- Consulting/Company Biographies Available
LinkedIn Profile Updates
- $225.00 (Save $25.00)
Thank You Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Professional Reference Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Publications and Presentations Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Rush Service (Receive Final Résumé in 2 Days)
- $150.00
Tailoring Résumé Package
Experienced (5+ Years) | Mid-Management | Career Change/Transition
Package Includes:
1-Hour Telephone Interview
Tailored Résumé to One Targeted Position
Cover Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
Final Résumé in Word or PDF Versions
Final Résumé in ATS/Plain Text Version
Turnaround Time: 5-7 Days
Add-On Options:
Purchase With Package to Save:
Each Additional Targeted Position Service
- $325.00 (Save $25.00)
Biography (Professional)
- $300.00 (Save $50.00)
- Consulting/Company Biographies Available
LinkedIn Profile Updates
- $225.00 (Save $25.00)
Thank You Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Professional Reference Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Publications and Presentations Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Rush Service (Receive Final Résumé in 2 Days)
- $150.00
Tailoring Résumé Package
Experienced (5+ Years) | Mid-Management | Career Change/Transition
Package Includes: *BEST VALUE*
1-Hour Telephone Interview
Tailored Résumé to Two Targeted Positions
Cover Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
Final Résumé in Word or PDF Versions
Final Résumé in ATS/Plain Text Version
Turnaround Time: 5-7 Days
Add-On Options:
Purchase With Package to Save:
Each Additional Targeted Position Service
- $325.00 (Save $25.00)
Biography (Professional)
- $300.00 (Save $50.00)
- Consulting/Company Biographies Available
LinkedIn Profile Updates
- $225.00 (Save $25.00)
Thank You Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Professional Reference Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Publications and Presentations Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Rush Service (Receive Final Résumé in 2 Days)
- $150.00
Tailoring Résumé Package
C-Level Experience| Upper-Management | Senior Leadership
Package Includes:
1-Hour Telephone Interview
Tailored Résumé to One Targeted Position
Cover Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
Final Résumé in Word or PDF Versions
Final Résumé in ATS/Plain Text Version
Turnaround Time: 5-7 Days
Add-On Options:
Purchase With Package to Save:
Each Additional Targeted Position Service
- $325.00 (Save $25.00)
Biography (Professional)
- $300.00 (Save $50.00)
- Consulting/Company Biographies Available
LinkedIn Profile Updates
- $225.00 (Save $25.00)
Thank You Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Professional Reference Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Publications and Presentations Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Rush Service (Receive Final Résumé in 2 Days)
- $150.00
Tailoring Résumé Package
C-Level Experience | Upper Management | Senior Leadership
Package Includes: *BEST VALUE*
1-Hour Telephone Interview
Tailored Résumé to Two Targeted Positions
Cover Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
Final Résumé in Word or PDF Versions
Final Résumé in ATS/Plain Text Version
Turnaround Time: 5-7 Days
Add-On Options:
Purchase With Package to Save:
Each Additional Targeted Position Service
- $325.00 (Save $25.00)
Biography (Professional)
- $300.00 (Save $50.00)
- Consulting/Company Biographies Available
LinkedIn Profile Updates
- $225.00 (Save $25.00)
Thank You Letter (Editable for Re-Use)
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Professional Reference Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Publications and Presentations Sheet in Word
- $50.00 (Save $15.00)
Rush Service (Receive Final Résumé in 2 Days)
- $150.00
What Services We Offer
How Our Process Works
Frequently Asked
Questions About Our Process and Delivery.
What is the price for our services or packages?
We provide you with detailed pricing after we get to know your specific needs and can make an informed recommendation. If you'd like to learn more, please call us at 703-599-6507. You can also see both services and packages on our Services tab.
How long does the process take on average?
Standard turnaround time typically takes 3-7 days. Rush Service is available for $150.00 if needing a faster turnaround, in 2 days or less.
How do I get started?
PayPal Invoice is sent to your email. Cards accepted are Discover, American Express, MasterCard, Visa, or PayPal. Full payment for all services is due upfront to begin project.
How is my résumé created?
We start with your initial consultation call. Next your writer will create your résumé, which is the foundation of your package. You will then provide feedback on that first draft, and we make the changes. Typically, after those edits, you are good to go.
What is involved in the process to receive final documents?
Final approved documents are sent via email in Word, PDF, and Scannable-ATS compliant versions. Minor revisions are free the first year. Simply email updates within 12 months of final document delivery. There is a $75.00 service fee if adding a new position or changing layout.
What Our Clients Are Saying
Contact Us
(Services and Frequently Asked Questions tabs contains a wealth of information for you.
If unable to find information you need, contact us anytime via email by submitting a request below or by calling 703-599-6507 (ET).
Note: When booking a telephone consultation, availability is posted on calendar (specify time zone, if not ET.)